Tuesday, August 11, 2015


If you want to have success with content marketing, you need to figure 
out what people actually want to read.  This may unquestionable associated to common wisdom, but you'd be amazed how many people herald content that they think people will behind. 
Fortunately, you don’t need to guess. 
Using something call The Skyscraper Technique, you can find content topics and formats that are proven to be in.

There are 3 steps to The Skyscraper Technique.

#1. Find content with a proven track record of generating back links and social shares

It’s human nature to be attracted to the best.
And what you’re doing here is finding the tallest “skyscraper” in your space…and slapping 20 stories to the top of it.
If the content so awesome, so incredible, and so useful that people can’t help add a link to your site.
But how do you know if your likable asset is going to be a huge success…or a total flop?
That’s easy: find content that’s already generated a ton of links.
Here’s how:

  • One of the fastest ways to find content with a track record of attracting quality links is to use Open Site Explorer.
  • Topsy is an awesome site that can help you find heavily shared content in your niche.

#2. Make that content better

Make It Longer

In some cases, publishing an article that’s simply longer or includes more items
will do the trick.
If you find a link magnet with a title like “25 Beauty tips”, publish a list of 50 or even 100.

More Up-To-Date

If you find something with old information, create something that covers many of the same points…but update it with cutting-edge content.

Better Designed

Sometimes, a visually stunning piece of content can generate a lot more links and social shares than something similar on an ugly page.

More Thorough

Most lists posts are just a bland list of bullet points without any meaty content that people can actually use.
But if you add a bit of depth for each item on your list, you have yourself a list post that’s much more valuable.
So make sure to put each and every point on the list with a brief description (with a reference):

This will make it objectively clear that you have the better piece of content.Big lists like that have a very high perceived value…which means people 
are more likely to share them.

#3. Reach out to people to let them know about your new resource

final step is content promotion. you need something based on a proven framework.
Because your content will be based on something proven to work in your industry and not something that you think might work. it will make smashing success.

Find a piece of content like it will work on your site can be a link magnet….that is, if people actually see it. 
Which brings us to the last step… How to Convince People to Link to Your Content
I don’t need to tell you that great or even amazing content is not enough. 
Unless you already have a huge readership, you need to hustle to get the word out about your resource. 
By emailing people that already linked to the content that you based your content off of. 
For example, you can use ahrefs.com to find all of the links pointing to your target article: You can also use Majestic SEO or Open Site Explorer…they all work pretty well.

Next, email people linking to the old content to let them know about your 
new piece of superior content. Give them a point like 'I was surfing around (THEIR SITE’S NAME) today and came across your article: (THEIR ARTICLE’s TITLE). I noticed that you mentioned (OUTDATED CONTENT) on the page. I also love
that article. In fact, it inspired me to create a more thorough and up to date version:
(YOUR URL) I’d be grateful if you’d consider adding it to your page.'

Because you’re not being pushy and adding value to the other person’s site,
a large chunk of the people you email will be HAPPY to link to your content.

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